
When the song was over, I flipped to another channel on my Walkman

When the song was over, I flipped to another channel on my Walkman. The SAME song came on. I listened to it and got chills up my spine. I thought, "OK, perhaps I shouldn't give up so easily. Maybe there is a way."

Not sure if you'll believe this, because I didn't at first. But I flipped to yet another channel. And yes, there it was. The song was playing again. The SAME song about not giving up, about dusting myself off and trying again. I got more than chills. My eyes welled up in tears and I stopped in my tracks. I stood there silently and made a commitment to myself: I was never going to give up. I was going to do what it took to succeed at this thing. And the rest is history...


1. Don't give up. If the going gets though, if marketing becomes a challenge or you're not seeing results, keep persisting. Try a different approach. Look at what successful people are doing and do something similar (don't copy just get inspired). Finish what you've been procrastinating, just don't give up. Success is right around the corner and most people give up JUST before they reach the top.

2. Look for support, a mentor, or a marketing coach. Learn only from people who are already successful or have achieved what you want to achieve. Mentor with people who live the life you want to live. Join programs or mastermind groups with others going through their own processes, so you know you're not alone (Try my new Inner Circle: www.ClientAttractionInnerCircle.com.)

3. Print up the following quotes on persistence and stick them on the wall next to your computer, tape them on your bathroom mirror and your refrigerator, whatever it takes to read them over and over again, to give you the strength to keep going. I'm rooting for you and I know you can do it. :)

Quotes to keep you in Client Attraction Mode, even when things get tough:

"Never, never, never give up!" Winston Churchill

"Never Quit. Don't ever, ever quit. Recognize that stopping now, regrouping to try a new approach isn't quitting. If you quit you'll regret it forever." Rudy Ruettiger

