
"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about

"Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about." Unknown

Have you ever given your all to something, experienced some delays, encountered disappointments, and then given up? What about when it comes to marketing your business? Do you sometimes get frustrated because the results you want aren't coming to you as quickly as you'd like, despite the Police Sunglasses fact that you bust your butt to see results? Do you then start to doubt yourself, your skills and talent, your ability to succeed?

You're not the only one. I know I've been there more than once since being self-employed. I have been tempted to quit on projects or promotions that weren't going strong on more than one occasion. And I've even contemplated giving up on self-employment when the chips were down and times were tough.

I remember being in my own practice less than a few years, and for a few weeks, things got really tough financially. It seemed like no one was signing up for my program all of a sudden, two (non-ideal) clients had decided to back out and money got really tight.

Was it a funk or was it a sign that I shouldn't be self-employed? I couldn't tell. I went into fear mode, wondering if I would have to go back to working in the corporate world, something I just couldn't bear to think about, but I just didn't see the alternative. I was THIS close to giving up and shutting down my business.

And then something happened. I was walking across Union Square in New York City, headphones on, listening to the radio and a Bvlgari Sunglasses,song by Aaliyah came on the radio. The lyrics really spoke to me:

And if at first you don't succeed

Then dust yourself off and try again

You can dust it off and try again (Try again)

