
Procrastination, focus or discipline

Procrastination, focus or discipline -- it doesn’t matter what you call it. The fact is that some people just can’t seem to do what they need to do, when they need to do it. When deciding whether to be a home-based business or have an office at another location, the key determinating factor is whether you have the Armani Sunglasses, discipline to be home-based. It doesn’t matter why you aren’t in your office when you should be; it matters only that you aren’t there! The bottom line is, the business will not be handled, and before long there won’t be a business. Setting goals and to-do lists helps, but if you’re not in the office, you aren’t working on those lists.

One would think that needing to earn a living would create the discipline to get in the office, but those who procrastinate explain it this way: On my way into the office, I stop to make myself a cup of coffee. That creates an opportunity to wash the dishes. While the coffee is still brewing, I get dressed and see the pile of clothes that need washed. While the clothes are washing, I do go in to the office and check emails (notice I said ‘check’, not handle). The coffee is done, so back out to the kitchen to pour a cup and fix breakfast. It’s a bright sunny morning, so I choose to have my breakfast on the deck. Looking around, I see Versace Sunglasses,there are weeds to pull. A half-hour later, back into the house to put the clothes in the dryer. Now I can get to work. But, Oh! It’s lunch time. After lunch there is every intention to go into the office, but the dryer buzzes and the clothes need folded.

You get the picture. Before you know it, the day is gone. Papers are piling up on the desk, phone calls and emails remain unanswered and bills haven’t been paid. But you do have a sparkling clean house and an immaculate garden!

