
Or, say you're a local solicitor trying to get new clients

Or, say you're a local solicitor trying to get new clients, why not do a promotion that says something like, "

Nancy Kwan of The Chinese Gourmet Cook in Henderson Road Had Her Legal Problems Solved in Double Quick Time By

Joe Blow Solicitors."

Again, it's quite unlike anything the regular 'punter' would've seen. And that 'uniqueness' in the marketplace

is what all businesses, practices, services, etc, strive for.

See, the publicity by having a 'CELEBRITY' attached to your promotions, is like having an endorsement from

someone in the local 'public eye'. Someone the locals trust. A Seb Coe if you will.

Okay, the second BIG SECRET that the London bid pulled out of the hat was... presenting thirty children from a

local East End School to be part of the bid! It drew the emotional strings like nothing else would have.

More than that, the children were a 'promise of the future'.

Meaning, the Olympic Games will give these children the opportunity to have their minds and hearts filled with

the passion and inspiration and spirit to be someone great. To achieve the highest honour in sport - THE


