
I now have 3 Virtual Assistants and looking to hire one more

I now have 3 Virtual Assistants and looking to hire one more. One who does all my bookkeeping, manages my shopping cart sales and my QuickBooks, one who does all my data entry for all the business cards I collect out networking and they also do any mailers that need to go out to my list. The third VA is my right hand gal - she does MBT Sini Shoes, everything I can think of. Anything that comes across my desk that needs to be signed up for, looked into, opportunities that need investigating plus she handles my whole membership program (Marketing Mentor Program) - new sign ups, cancellations, email blasts, website updates and so much more! I couldn't think about doing this alone anymore and I am no longer on the hamster wheel!!

I realize it's hard to figure out how and what to outsource at first because you think you are the only one that can do certain things.

Once you do this you will be able to step off that hamster wheel more often than not and you will have so much more free time to do the things that you LOVE TO DO, be with the clients you LOVE working with, be able to develop new products and MBT Tunisha,services and figure out ways to leverage your time and expertise to make you more M.O.N.E.Y. with less effort and less time.

