
Fun Advertising Facts & Questions:

Fun Advertising Facts & Questions:

* Some communities can have a lot of printed publications that sell advertising and are distributed in their area. Do you know which  MBT Karani Shoes, ones hit your target market the best and for the least amount of investment?

* Do you know what R.O.I. means? It is refers to your return on investment or is the ratio of how much you make from what you spend.

* Do you know what pci means? It refers to price per column inch, as used in the newspapers.

* Do you know the circulation numbers of all the mediums in which you advertise? I am referring to the actual number of households, not the readership or reach (those are typically exaggerated numbers)? If you do not, you should find out and see what your cost per 1000 households is.

* I am often asked if it really matters if labels with bulk mail are used when running a direct mail campaign or if printed out addresses and a stamp should be used instead. Sometimes it does matter and other times MBT Tunisha Shoes,not. I recommend the latter when sending mail to a cold calling a prospect; however, the same is not true for your regular database mailings to those people you know. Some will disagree with me on this, but I typically chose what is most economical as long as the mailing is still delivered in a professional manner and contains a good, attention-getting message. That is what is important!

Always remember, before you make a media buy, take time to think through your purchase. Do not get pressured into purchasing. Be sure to do some research so you can ensure you are reaching your target market, not just getting a good deal. If you do not have a marketing plan, make sure you take the time to develop one. If you do not have time to do it, then hire someone experienced to do so. This will allow you to make an educated decision when you are approached by an advertising salesperson. You will know how to spend your marketing dollars wisely, not haphazardly.

