
QualityThere is no doubt that companies

QualityThere is no doubt that companies can only improve business by adhering to a set of standards called quality. Quality is very important in any business because this is an unbiased form of judgment and this is the Prada Sunglasses, method used for internal control. This is a means of ensuring that all products and services are at par with customer specifications and expectations as the company has promised. From time to time, human beings will have lapses at work, but any quality personnel will see to it that the same defect or mistake should not be repeated again by the same employee.

Attendance and TardinessThere are many companies that do not have much bearing on attendance or tardiness, especially in the sales industry in which employees are sent out in the field to sell and reach a certain quota. Once this quota is reached, the employee has the option to stay at home as much as he wants to. However, attendance is a serious issue in many industries, especially in manufacturing since people are needed to operate the machines. This is also a critical metric in the call center industry because service is delivered to customers real time. There has to be a person manning the phones, so if a customer calls, someone will attend to Louis Vuitton Sunglasses,his concerns.These are only few of the most common KPI examples. There are many more out there and these metrics or key performance indicators vary from one company and industry to another. This is because one company has a different strategy and priority from the others.

