
Guess what, we're not done yet

Guess what, we're not done yet. Nike Blazer High,These numbers DO NOT include the hundreds of thousands of charges filed each year with state and local authorities. So despite the dramatic increase in the number of EEOC charges, we haven't even scratched the surface. 

So what is a business owner to do? You MUST make sure you are properly protected with the right kind of insurance. Think about it, during times of economic hardship your employees may be desperate for money. Increases in pay (if they are given) are quickly eaten away by rising fuel and food costs. Guess who they think is rich? They guy driving to work each day in the new car who has the Nike Blazer Shoesaudacity to go on vacation once a year!

I can hear the chorus now. "At my company, we're one big happy family", "I've been in business for 47 years and we've never been sued.", "We don't do anything wrong.", and my personal favorite, "If we get sued, I'll just pay for it out of pocket." Ever hear the song Money Changes Everything? That pretty much knocks out objections one and two. In addition, it really doesn't matter if you've never done anything wrong because it's going to cost you a fortune in time and money to prove it.

So let's face the facts. The chances of you being sued for an employment practices issue increases every year despite the economic environment. Add to that the fact that the economy is a little unstable these days and you've now poured gasoline on the fire. Whether you think we're in a recession or not, your employees may think so. And they may be getting worried.

It is a fact that during an economic slowdown, companies cut expenditures. One of the ways they do this is to cut the fat out of any of their fixed costs. Therefore, an organization's insurance program often is first under the knife. While understandable, be a surgeon NOT a butcher. Don't eliminate the Nike Shox Torchrecession sensitive coverages that protect your business from economic disaster! In other words, you need Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) NOW more than ever.

