
We took Wikipedia to task for their parroting of officialdom on Friday; since then

We took Wikipedia to task for their parroting of officialdom on Friday; since then, an explosion of

comments and edits, some even reversed by other editors, have pushed the consensus away from declaring

the Iraq War over. It now lists Operation Iraqi Freedom as having ended on August 19, 2010. It still

repeats the canard that the remaining 50,000+ troops are simply for training purposes — though Gen.

Odierno warns they could switch back at any moment — but let’s take what we can get.

There are still a few “dead-enders” slogging against the stream of plain truth in the discussion area

— won’t the Wiki-savvy among you weigh in with your own volley to protect this important correction?

Whatever one’s opinion of Wikipedia, the fact remains it is a respected source and often its articles

are taken at face value.

There’s nothing that gets the American can-do spirit going in the morning than a rightwing scribe

urging the U.S military to ‘have a fire sale’ (read: destroy) Wikileaks, while invoking Bruce ‘Die

Harder’ Willis and CIA ‘friends’ I openly advocate ‘getting’ (read: bagging) Wikileaks founder

Julian Assange.

From Jed Babbin at the American Spectator, this morning:

A friend of mine, a more-or-less retired CIA paramilitary operative, sees the solution in

characteristically simple terms. “We should go get him,” he said, speaking of Assange.

