The Atlantic: Senior Fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, Reuel Marc Gerecht,
argues in favor of an Israeli preventive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Gerecht advocates not
just bombing facilities but targeting Iranian personnel involved in Tehran’s alleged nuclear weapons
program. “If Tehran were to lose several of its key nuclear scientists and technicians in such a blow,
the Iranian program might sustain a crippling hit from which it would be extremely difficult to
recover,” writes Gerecht. He concludes, “Although President Obama may become (privately) furious with
the Israelis, any Israeli strike will make the United States, and probably even the reluctant
Europeans, more determined to shut down Iran’s program.” Gerecht advocated for an Israeli preventive
strike in a July 26th cover story in the The Weekly Standard.
The Weekly Standard Blog: Lee Smith repeats Anne Bayefsky’s warnings (Eli discussed Bayefsky on
Friday) that the Park 51 Islamic community center has dangerous ties to Iran. Smith suggests that Imam
Feisal Rauf’s unwillingness to denounce Hamas, and his ties to Iran are a threat to national security.
He concludes, “… [I]t would be a bad idea to allow an asset controlled by American adversaries to be
built anywhere in the United States, including lower Manhattan.”