
Paul Jacob, political reformer, libertarian and prominent term-limit activist

Paul Jacob, political reformer, libertarian and prominent term-limit activist, is in major legal trouble again. As some readers may know, in the early 1980s Jacob spent five and a half months in prison for resisting draft registration and thUGGS Roxy tall violating the Selective Service Act – the longest prison term for any draft resister since Vietnam. Now he’s being persecuted for another non-crime: He’s charged with "conspiracy to defraud the state" of UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots.

What did he do? Allegedly, he brought in petitioners from out of state to help in getting a Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights on the ballot. Such a reform would subject all increases in the overall state-spending rate to a democratic vote. The maximum penalty for having unauthorized citizens from other states helping in the petitioning process is 10 years and a $25,000 fine. UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots is one of only eight states with such a law on the books or about to go into effect.

Paul is currently being charged in federal court. The law was upheld a couple months ago by an UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots federal district court in a written decision that claimed that no one had ever been criminally prosecuted under this statute, nor were there pending prosecutions. The case has since been appealed to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.

