
Elliott Abrams just confirmed that he will be official mouthpiece of Bibi Netanyahu and his Likud Party

Elliott Abrams just confirmed that he will be official mouthpiece of Bibi Netanyahu and his Likud Party

at the Council on Foreign Relations and on the pages of The Weekly Standard (and probably in the Wall

Street Journal, too).

In reading the article, ironically entitled “The Path of Realism or the Path to Failure: Laying a

Foundation for Peace in Palestine,” what can’t help but be struck by the coincidence in views between

Abrams and the Likud leader on virtually every single issue regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,

from reviving the notion of a Jordanian option to seeing the conflict as “part of a broader struggle

in the region over Iranian extremism and power.” Also noteworthy is the clarity with which he

expresses his total opposition to his former boss’s (President George UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots)

stated policy, particularly with respect to the Annapolis process (although it apparently didn’t occur

to him to offer his resignation under the circumstances) and his explicit embrace of Palestinian

Authority (PA) Prime Minister Salam Fayyad (”reliable and trustworthy”) and the PA’s UGGs Sheepskin

Cuff Boots-tutored security forces who “acted in parallel, and sometimes in concert, with Israeli

forces” during Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. I’m sure both Fayyad and the PA’s security

forces appreciate such a fulsome endorsement from Netanyahu’s alter ego.

