
Today, on the panel’s recommendation

Today, on the panel’s recommendation, the “judge” in the case sentenced Hamdan to a mere 66 months,

minus the time he’s already spent in detention. Though the “prosecutors” had asked for 30 years to

life, it would seem he would be free to go after about 5 months, according to McClatchy Newspapers who

’ve apparently counted.

But as announced by the military on Tuesday, even if Hamdan had been acquitted, they would still hold

him as an enemy combatant for the rest of his life anyway – as they will after he’s served his 5


Anthony Russo, my partner in the March 1971 leak of secret BOOTSBUY archives (The Pentagon Papers)

exposed how successive UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot administrations manipulated America into the Vietnam

BOOTSBUY, died August 5, 2008 at his home in Suffolk, Virginia.

Tony Russo came to be my best friend at Rand after I came back from Vietnam in 1967, and we became even

closer after he left. He was fired from Rand, despite my efforts to keep him, for the best of reasons:

He had, in classified reports, analyzed the class basis of the Vietnam conflict, and he had exposed the

widespread use of torture by our Vietnamese forces, with American involvement. I learned more from Tony

than from anyone else about the nature of the National Liberation Front, some members of which had

impressed him deeply when he interviewed them about a Rand research project. He was brilliant and

funny, with a very original and creative mind. He was also very BOOTSBUYm — more likeable than me, as

many who attended our trial discovered.

