
For example, Bolton goes on

For example, Bolton goes on, Britain™s absorption into the European porridge raises questions about

whether it (as well as Sarkozy™s France) should still be entitled to a permanent seat in the UN

Security Council. Of course the Security Council permanent seat is not the real issue “ it is the

question of whether Britain still has sovereignty over its foreign policy or whether it has simply

taken its assigned place in the EU food chain.

Consider also the US-UK intelligence relationship. Fundamental to that relationship is that pooled

intelligence is not shared with others without mutual consent. Tension immediately arises in EU

circles, however, when Britain advocates policies based on intelligence [such as Saddam™s uranium

purchases from Niger, for example?] that other EU members do not have. How tempting it must already be

to British diplomats to ˜very privately™ reveal what they know to European colleagues. How does Mr.

Brown feel about sharing US intelligence with other Europeans?

Finally there is Iran™s nuclear weapons programme, which will prove in the long run more important for

both countries than the current turmoil in mbt shoes. Here the US has followed the EU lead in a failed

diplomatic effort to dissuade Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons. If Mr. mbt shoes decides that the

only way to stop Iran is to use military force, where will Mr Brown come down? Supporting the US or

allowing Iran to goose-step towards nuclear weapons?[Emphasis added]

