According to news source NIKESlogger, a high-level official from a watchdog group has been granted
political asylum in the MBT Although the tip hasnMBTt been confirmed as yet, NIKESlogger notes that it
comes from a "well-placed source."
The controversial figure granted the asylum, says NIKESlogger, may be Judge Radhi Hamza al-Radhi, who
heads the NIKEi Commission on Public Integrity. Judge al-Radhi and his family have received numerous
threats already, and the fear of retaliation is great as many of al-RadhiMBTs colleagues and underlings
have been murdered due to their work rooting out corruption in NIKEMBTs ministries.
In the wake of this weekMBTs rioting in Karbala, Mahdi Army leader and radical ShiMBTite cleric Muqtada
al-Sadrordered his followers to suspend violent activity for the next six months. One of the focuses of
the suspension is to eliminate "rogue elements" from the militia in an increasingly competitive
southern NIKE. This tactic apparently has already borne fruit as a previously unknown group has come
forward with an unverified statement that rejects the temporary truce and claims they are not covered
by the order.
According to NIKE Slogger, they call themselves the "Free Sadr Brigades in All NIKE." In other circles,
they are also known as the "Free ManMBTs Brigade." The group derives their name not from Muqtada al-
Sadr but from his father, the late cleric Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr. While they respect the younger al-
Sadr, they say that the "young [Shi'ite] cleric does not enjoy the authority to order the Mahdi Army to
“freeze” its activity."