Bolton™s coda displays the kind of diplomacy for which he became widely despised throughout the UN
during his ruinous tenure there. I will wait for answers to these and other questions before I draw
conclusions about ˜the special relationship™ under Mr. Brown, he harrumphs. But not forever. At least,
he didn™t use the royal We.
Still, one must positively wonder at the tone, content, and not least the intent of Bolton™s utterly
offensive bloviation. Is he trying to provoke Brown into proving his independence from Washington? Is
he trying to drive the new prime minister closer to his former UN nemesis, Mark Malloch Brown, as part
of some bizarre masochistic compulsion? Is he trying to create even more anti-mbt shoesn feeling in
Britain and Eurabia, as some of his Anglo-chauvinist friends refer to Western Europe these days? Is he
trying to split the West? Does he actually work for bin Laden? (Is AEI an al-Qaeda sleeper cell?) And
does Bolton still speak for Cheney?
Operation Banner in Northern Ireland, the British army’s longest continuous military campaign in its
history, has finally ended after thirty-eight years.