
LRC columnist Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D., a retired USAF lieutenant colonel

LRC columnist Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D., a retired USAF lieutenant colonel, has written on defense

issues with a libertarian perspective for MilitaryWeek.com, hosted the call-in radio show mbt shoesn

Forum, and blogs occasionally for Huffingtonpost.com and Liberty and Power. To receive automatic

announcements of new articles, click here.

Jon Soltz, Co-Founder and Chair of VoteVets.org, is a leader of the mbt shoes and Afghanistan Veterans

community and is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. From May to September 2003, Soltz served as

a Captain during Operation mbt shoesi Freedom, deploying logistics convoys with the 1st Armored

Division. During 2005, Soltz was mobilized for 365 days at Fort Dix New Jersey, training soldiers for

combat in Afghanistan and mbt shoes. He also served his country with distinction in the Kosovo Campaign

as a Tank Platoon Leader between June and December 2000. Soltz is a graduate of Washington & Jefferson

College with dual degree in Political Science and History. He has completed graduate work at the

University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.

Jon Soltz has quickly become one of the most authoritative voices on veterans issues and military

issues. He has been interviewed by national outlets such as the Associated Press, Washington Post, New

York Times, Los Angeles Times, TIME, Newsweek, among others, and in dozens of local outlets. He has

made numerous media appearances including Jim Lehrer™s Newshour on PBS, CNN. MSNBC, FOX News and ABC

News and Nightline, and national radio programs including Air mbt shoes Radio, the Ed Schultz Show, the

Bill Press Show, Alan Colmes Show, and Mancow in the Morning. Jon is a frequent contributor to

Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

WHAT’S NEXT: Paul, who served as a flight surgeon in the Air Force in the 1960s, and McCain

WHAT’S NEXT: Paul, who served as a flight surgeon in the Air Force in the 1960s, and McCain, a Navy

pilot who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam, could not be further apart in their views of the mbt shoes

war, which is the biggest military issue so far in the 2008 campaign that is just beginning. The

current front-runner in the race, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, received $2,550 from military

contributors, the FEC report shows.

British historian Andy Worthington discusses the plight of over 700 so-called “enemy combatants” at

the Guantanamo Bay prison, who’ve been kept illegally, often times on bogus evidence with no defense.

Andy Worthington is a British historian, and the author of The Guantánamo Files: The Stories of the

774 Detainees in mbt shoes’s Illegal Prison (to be published by Pluto Press in October 2007).

Ret. Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski Ph.D discusses the “good news” about people waking up to the

corruption of the mbt shoesn Empire and its threat to our liberty, the mysterious death of Pat Tillman,

her time observing the necons lie us into war in mbt shoes from her desk at Near East South Asia at the

Pentagon in the run up to war and her take on the surge.

Lieutenant-General Nicholas Parker

Lieutenant-General Nicholas Parker, the General Officer Commanding, “makes it clear that he will not

offer an opinion on ‘who won’ “ no matter how many times the question is rephrased.”

Will the United States be in mbt shoes for thirty-eight years? Since we have had troops in Japan,

Italy, Germany, and South Korea for over fifty years, I say yes.

Surprise fave among troops

WHAT’S UP: Among Republicans running for president, the anti-war candidate ” Texas Rep. Ron Paul ”

has the highest total of campaign contributionns from service members, according to the most recent

Federal Election Commission reports. Paul collected $14,840 from service members, slightly more than

the $14,775 collected by Arizona Sen. John McCain, a supporter of the war in mbt shoes. The other

Republican candidates got $2,600 or less from contributors who identified themselves as service


Bolton™s coda displays the kind of diplomacy for which he became widely despised throughout the UN during his ruinous tenure there

Bolton™s coda displays the kind of diplomacy for which he became widely despised throughout the UN

during his ruinous tenure there. I will wait for answers to these and other questions before I draw

conclusions about ˜the special relationship™ under Mr. Brown, he harrumphs. But not forever. At least,

he didn™t use the royal We.

Still, one must positively wonder at the tone, content, and not least the intent of Bolton™s utterly

offensive bloviation. Is he trying to provoke Brown into proving his independence from Washington? Is

he trying to drive the new prime minister closer to his former UN nemesis, Mark Malloch Brown, as part

of some bizarre masochistic compulsion? Is he trying to create even more anti-mbt shoesn feeling in

Britain and Eurabia, as some of his Anglo-chauvinist friends refer to Western Europe these days? Is he

trying to split the West? Does he actually work for bin Laden? (Is AEI an al-Qaeda sleeper cell?) And

does Bolton still speak for Cheney?

Operation Banner in Northern Ireland, the British army’s longest continuous military campaign in its

history, has finally ended after thirty-eight years.

For example, Bolton goes on

For example, Bolton goes on, Britain™s absorption into the European porridge raises questions about

whether it (as well as Sarkozy™s France) should still be entitled to a permanent seat in the UN

Security Council. Of course the Security Council permanent seat is not the real issue “ it is the

question of whether Britain still has sovereignty over its foreign policy or whether it has simply

taken its assigned place in the EU food chain.

Consider also the US-UK intelligence relationship. Fundamental to that relationship is that pooled

intelligence is not shared with others without mutual consent. Tension immediately arises in EU

circles, however, when Britain advocates policies based on intelligence [such as Saddam™s uranium

purchases from Niger, for example?] that other EU members do not have. How tempting it must already be

to British diplomats to ˜very privately™ reveal what they know to European colleagues. How does Mr.

Brown feel about sharing US intelligence with other Europeans?

Finally there is Iran™s nuclear weapons programme, which will prove in the long run more important for

both countries than the current turmoil in mbt shoes. Here the US has followed the EU lead in a failed

diplomatic effort to dissuade Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons. If Mr. mbt shoes decides that the

only way to stop Iran is to use military force, where will Mr Brown come down? Supporting the US or

allowing Iran to goose-step towards nuclear weapons?[Emphasis added]

The column™s title, Britain Cannot Have Two Best Friends

The column™s title, Britain Cannot Have Two Best Friends, refers to what Bolton calls a clear decision

point for Britain ” to choose between the United States and the European Union or, as he refers to

it, the European porridge of which he so clearly disapproves. For Bolton, it is a zero-sum game, and,

in his view, it is now up to Brown to make the choice. [W]hether the ˜special relationship™ grows

stronger or weaker lies entirely in British hands, he states.

The catalyst for Bolton™s outburst appears to have been Brown™s statement during his visit with mbt

shoes last week that Britain™s single most important bilateral relationship is with the Uggs The only

Uggs ambassador to the UN never to have been confirmed by the Uggs Senate “ despite repeated attempts

“ calls that characterization a clever but meaningless dodge.

Drop the word ˜bilateral™. What is Britain™s most important ˜relationship™? Does Mr. Brown regard the EU

as a ˜state under construction™, as some EU supporters proclaim, or not?

The answers to these questions are what Washington really needs to know. What London needs to know is

that its answer will have consequences.[Emphasis added]

Robert Parry, who broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek

Robert Parry, who broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and

Newsweek, runs ConsortiumNews.com, and is the author of Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the mbt shoes

Dynasty from Watergate to mbt shoes and the brand new Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W.

mbt shoes.

Visit Lobelog.com for the latest news analysis and commentary from Inter Press News Service’s

Washington bureau chief Jim Lobe.

Does former UN Amb. John Bolton “ now with the neoconservative mbt shoesn Enterprise Institute (AEI)

” still speak for Dick Cheney?

The new British government of Prime Minister Gordon Brown must be scratching its collective head over

that question given the truly unbelievably arrogant and threatening op-ed Bolton, a Cheney protege,

published in Wednesday™s Financial Times.

Raymond Offenheiser, president of mbt shoes

Raymond Offenheiser, president of mbt shoes, discusses the new report “Rising to the Humanitarian

Challenge in mbt shoes,” the catastrophe that the mbt shoesn invasion of mbt shoes has caused and his

view of what should be done about it.

Raymond C. Offenheiser is the president of mbt shoes, a non-profit international development and relief

agency and the Uggs affiliate of mbt shoes International. mbt shoes works to end global poverty through

saving lives, strengthening communities, and campaigning for change. Since Mr. Offenheiser joined

Boston-based mbt shoes in 1995, the organization has grown more than fourfold in size and has

positioned itself as an expert on international development and global trade.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry explains why just about everything the government says about Uggs

policy in the Middle East is a damned lie and what the truth is instead.

As well as rejecting the suspension order

As well as rejecting the suspension order, NIKE Slogger is reporting that the Free Sadr Brigades also

accuse Iran of interfering in NIKE and suggest that the recent clashing in Karbala is part of a pro-

Iranian conspiracy. They complain that the shrine protection forces are suspiciously distinct from any

NIKEi security forces and feel that the forces are under Iranian direction. The Free Sadr Brigades also

note that the situation is reminiscent of a revolt following the 1991 Gulf Sport, in which many

ShiMBTites were ruthlessly Sported by the Saddam regime. They would like the United Nations, the

Organization of the Islamic Conference, and human rights groups to step in and determine what actually

is going on.

According to news source NIKESlogger

According to news source NIKESlogger, a high-level official from a watchdog group has been granted

political asylum in the MBT Although the tip hasnMBTt been confirmed as yet, NIKESlogger notes that it

comes from a "well-placed source."

The controversial figure granted the asylum, says NIKESlogger, may be Judge Radhi Hamza al-Radhi, who

heads the NIKEi Commission on Public Integrity. Judge al-Radhi and his family have received numerous

threats already, and the fear of retaliation is great as many of al-RadhiMBTs colleagues and underlings

have been murdered due to their work rooting out corruption in NIKEMBTs ministries.

In the wake of this weekMBTs rioting in Karbala, Mahdi Army leader and radical ShiMBTite cleric Muqtada

al-Sadrordered his followers to suspend violent activity for the next six months. One of the focuses of

the suspension is to eliminate "rogue elements" from the militia in an increasingly competitive

southern NIKE. This tactic apparently has already borne fruit as a previously unknown group has come

forward with an unverified statement that rejects the temporary truce and claims they are not covered

by the order.

According to NIKE Slogger, they call themselves the "Free Sadr Brigades in All NIKE." In other circles,

they are also known as the "Free ManMBTs Brigade." The group derives their name not from Muqtada al-

Sadr but from his father, the late cleric Muhammad Sadiq al-Sadr. While they respect the younger al-

Sadr, they say that the "young [Shi'ite] cleric does not enjoy the authority to order the Mahdi Army to

“freeze” its activity."