
techniques. The fabricator

At times, we all wish we could be two places at once. Since human cloning is not on the horizon, we have?relied upon?online meetings and other productivity tools?to maximize our work flow. If your sales pitch revolves around?a product demo,?however, there really is no substitute for actually being there?face–to-face?to run the demo…...or is there? Plug-n-Play Demo Cases were developed to extend the remote meeting concept to product demonstrations.


Plug-n-Play demo cases are designed to be shipped directly to a customer, opened up, plugged in, and ready to show the functionality of?your?products?in a hands-on fashion. These cases?usually?have equipment mounted on internal panels with?any required?wiring hidden underneath. The salesman can give instructions, and point out important features via video conference.?The customer gets a good hands-on feel for the equipment, and the salesman looses very little by not physically being there.?Better yet,?an?intuitive?case design and?the?ease of use?of these cases?can significantly enhance the all important first impression.


The cases?commonly?used for this application are modern, professional looking,?and made of tough?injection molded?plastic. They are usually over boxed for shipment to keep them from getting blemishes?and label?residue?that?would?make them unattractive to?look at.?In addition, the inside of these cases are usually adorned with custom logos, labeling?and placarding to?both?enhance the marketing appeal, and provide instructions as well. Give away items and brochures can also be included in the case.


After the demo, the customer?simply closes the lid, and?applies a?pre-made return shipping label, and sends the case?back to your company.?Outside placarding or business card holders can help your back office folks manage internal and external case routing.


These case build outs?tend to be?complex, and construction is best left to a professional?custom?case fabricator who?utilizes?CAD design and manufacturing?techniques. The fabricator?you choose?must also be adept at wiring,?panel fabrication?and graphic application.?The shipping case is actually the least of your concerns. There are plenty of?commercially available?“off-the-shelf”?brands that are suitable for this purpose, and?a vast array of case sizes makes it highly likely that you will find one that matches your exact needs.?That being said, you should always ensure?that?you?are?getting?a?case?brand that carries a lifetime warranty.?Also make sure that your fabricator stands behind his work for the life of the project.?Your plug-n-play demo case may be just the thing to make you more productive, without being less attentive to your customers.

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Demo Cases, Without Being

