
every office has its own good and bad

Office politics are not new anywhere, every office has its own good and bad, but the best way to keep a good and healthy environment in the office is to stop looking out for others mistakes or pointing out fingers for a certain mistake towards an employee or colleague. Empathize with him and make your workplace more happier and productive by using office mistakes for positive gains.?
Blaming others is very common in office politics but it may sometimes lead to unwanted results, try to be diplomatic and do not make a person embarrassed or feel let down due to his incompetency or non performance. When there is workload in the office the bosses and the clients tend to become overpowering. It becomes easy for an employee to point out to others if something goes wrong in such a scenario. That's often termed as blame game in a corporate culture. Pointing out or blaming other people for a mistake can become prejudicial in corporate offices. This may lead to discrimination. Banning of the blame game tendency in your office enhances interpersonal relationship, job satisfaction and increases productivity. You should always make it a point of using office mistakes for positive gains and create space for improvement.
In an organization you come across different types of people, some employees have a sense of superiority and feel that they cannot make any kind of mistake in their work. These are the people who often point finger others at others. This may be humiliating for the employee who goes through the brunt of being blamed and get de-motivated.
Make your Office Free of Blame Game By Using Office Mistakes For Positive Gains
- It should be the responsibility of the management to establish a positive culture in the organization by keeping the employees motivated and happy rather than making them feel let down or insulted in front of their colleagues. The management should start using office mistakes for positive gains rather than at pointing fingers.
- A manager should start acknowledging his own mistakes when he does one, by this the employee gets a feeling that mistakes are acceptable but as long as it is tolerable and within a certain limit. By this the employees will be encouraged to accept their own mistakes without any hassles.?
- If the manager comes across finger pointing, he should immediately lay out an inquiry commission to listen from both the sides.
You can use the mistakes of your employee in a positive way, by giving him your support and enforcing positive orientation in the office. Every office has its set goals and targets and when the employees accomplish these goals you should acknowledge their hard work and efforts for achieving those goals and reward them adequately. If an error occurs in a work flow not only the concerned employee but even his seniors or team leader should be held responsible for that, so that the employee alone does not have to face the plight of being let down in front of his colleagues.
If there are any deadlines or goals achieved we usually give the credit to team efforts. In the same way the errors and mistakes also should be shared by the team and not only an individual. Using office mistakes for positive gains helps the employee to get motivated and increases productivity. The employees gets a feeling that even though mistakes happen there are ways to work on them.

Article Tags:
Using Office Mistakes, Using Office, Office Mistakes, Positive Gains, Blame Game

